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Concrete does need repairing from time to time to ensure its structural integrity, overall strength, and reliability.
What Causes Concrete Damage?
Other environmental factors include carbonation and chloride salts attack. Carbonation occurs when atmospheric carbon dioxide mixes with water to create carbonic acid which in turn reduces the alkalinity within the concrete and eventually causes corrosion of the steel and the eventual breakdown of the concrete structure.
Chloride (Salts) dissolved in the atmosphere, which when combined with moisture, can penetrate concrete and just like carbonation, attack the steel reinforcement within the concrete causing corrosion and eventual cracking and spalling.
How can we help?
With our vast experience, we are able to carry out full and effective concrete repairs to cracks and provide quality protective coatings to ensure that the life of the concrete structure is extended. We do all of this while ensuring there is minimum disruption to the client.



Benefits To You
Archer Specialist Treatments believes that concrete should be built to last – our high quality protective coatings and repairs can prolong the life of a structure way beyond its original scope.
Every penny spent on improving the quality, protection and enhancement of your concrete pays off in the long term, therefore reducing the need to demolish and rebuild structures that could otherwise be saved.
Example Images
Images 1 – 3 = Concrete repairs for Haywards Heath District Council at their Oaklands Road site where our operatives cut out damaged and dangerous sections of loose concrete and repaired them by incorporating the use of Betofix Concrete Repair Mortar by Remmers UK Ltd.